Platinum Floral Designs - Building Online Brochure
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: Work with one of Victoria, BC's leading Event Floral Boutique. We are looking to team up with a creative individual who likes to create virtual online content such as an online magazine presentation to showcase to all our venue partners as well as future clientele. You will create a layout via Canva. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Creating content that flows with our branding - fonts, colours Inserting portfolio images Create a unique marketing tool for vendors and new clientele Zoom meetings to discuss our brand Content writing IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Please note appropriate projects can accommodate most students, regardless of field of study or experience. We may not be able to fill these roles exactly. Veuillez noter que les projets appropriés peuvent accueillir la plupart des étudiants, quel que soit leur domaine d'études ou leur expérience. Nous ne pourrons peut-être pas remplir ces rôles exactement. Working with Canva templates/ creating custom graphics Graphic design FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: An online magazine which can be sent via email