Fauzan Khan


Analytics 2 Artificial intelligence 2 Digital transformation 2 User experience (ux) 2 User interface (ui) 2



Latest feedback

Recent projects

Work experience

Mobile App Developer Intern
GoKaddal Technologies — Digital Solutions Cloud Platform
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
March 2024 - June 2024

• Engineered a custom mobile application built and curated with the latest industry standards, user functionality, and best practices in mind
• Built a strong experience in Flutter development, working with Firebase and Dart programming language
• Ensured the largest reach possible for product deployment by ensuring cross-platform capabilities and availability on Google Play and iOS store

Website Developer & Social Media Marketing Manager
Appix Systems
Milton, Ontario, Canada
September 2023 - December 2023

• Developed a software company that specializes in web design, lead generation, CRM for local businesses
• Administer social media platform such as Instagram and Facebook to promote the business.
• Actively monitor the traffic on website, schedule demos and onboard clients onto the software.

Software Engineer Intern
AKHNY Solutions Inc.
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
May 2023 - September 2023

• Worked as a Software Engineer Intern at AKHNY Solutions Inc., where I was part of a team of four, responsible for the development of a full-stack web application
• Utilized technologies such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript, .NET frameworks, and SSMS to develop front-end and back-end functionalities of the web application
• Designed customized user interface elements, and engaged with company’s clients to enhance product development, refine marketing strategies, and optimize business approaches
• Effectively coordinated with the team to ensure timely development, maintenance, and deployment of the web-app


Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science
University of Toronto
September 2022 - April 2026

Personal projects

GUI Adventure Game
November 2023 - November 2023

• Crafted a GUI-based adventure game using Java and JavaFX, getting an inspiration from the classic ”Colossal Cave Adventure” to provide an engaging/interactive experience.
• Applied the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern to ensure a maintained and efficient application game
• Built a user interface along with back-end components, prioritizing user experience and data optimization
• Enhanced the application’s reliability and stability by implementing robust error-handling and accessibility, achieving a 20% decrease in errors

Online Ordering Store
May 2023 - September 2023

• Designed and implemented a full-stack online restaurant store application, integrating management tools for administrators and a user-friendly interface for customers
• Implemented secured user authentication using ASP.NET which enhances data protection and privacy, resulting in a smooth experience of log-in, storing ordered items, etc.
• Developed a web and mobile app that closely mimics the functionality of popular restaurants online, showcasing an in-depth understanding of the requirements and features of such applications

Incoming/Outgoing Calls Tracker
February 2023 - February 2023

• Developed a Phone Company software in Python which uses in-depth concepts of objects, classes, and inheritance
• Given a .json file of all customer data, program is responsible for tracking each incoming & outgoing calls, calculating phone’s monthly bill, and displaying all calls on a Toronto map
• Worked individually on this project for the University of Toronto fully meeting their criteria, achieving a 100%