Social Marketing

MARK 422
MacEwan University
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Experiential Learning Facilitator
  • October 1, 2021
    Experience start
  • October 2, 2021
    Company Project Pitches (COMPLETED ON SEPTEMBER 21ST)
  • October 23, 2021
    Midway check in
  • December 8, 2021
    Experience end
4/4 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Social Enterprise, Non profit
Any industries

Experience scope

Communications Market research Product or service launch Marketing strategy
digital marketing sales & marketing business consulting marketing strategy research
Learner goals and capabilities

In this course, students work with a community partner organization on an issue related to social responsibility or sustainability. Students will work as a team to create a marketing plan about the subject matter that your organization focuses on. You could, of course, use this information to support your own organization's overall marketing strategy going forward.

Working in teams of 4-5 students, our 4th year Marketing students will apply their knowledge of social marketing to a real-life organization with a particular problem/challenge related to the cause that they focus upon.


Any level
24 learners
25 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 4
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Students will create a marketing report and hold a presentation, summarizing their findings and recommendations.

Project timeline
  • October 1, 2021
    Experience start
  • October 2, 2021
    Company Project Pitches (COMPLETED ON SEPTEMBER 21ST)
  • October 23, 2021
    Midway check in
  • December 8, 2021
    Experience end

Project Examples


The aim of this course is to gain experience in applied social marketing, by working on a particular problem / challenge related to the marketing of the issue around which the organization was formed.

A project can thus include (but is not limited to) one or more of the following marketing topics:

  • social innovation and social entrepreneurship
  • informing clients about a wellness or health-related topic
  • providing information around diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • issues related to sustainability practices

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Text short
    Be willing to complete our community partner survey at the end of the project.