Feedback details

Critical thinking
Custom Questions

I attest that I have adhered to ICT Ignite Plus Terms and Conditions:


I confirm that the learner has completed the required project deliverables within 80 hours


I approve the final deliverables submitted by the learner

Team feedback
Todd is a real asset to our team! His ability to learn quickly and adapt to new challenges is truly impressive. He’s shown a lot of potential and has already learned so much, contributing significantly to the development of our web application. What’s great about Todd is his work ethic. He’s incredibly hardworking, always going the extra mile to ensure the job is done right. Plus, he’s super easy to work with, making every project a smooth and enjoyable process. In short, Todd is a rising star in the world of web development. His combination of fast learning, potential, and hard work, coupled with his team spirit, makes him a pleasure to work with. I’m excited to see where his career takes him next!
Progressive web apps Bootstrap (front-end framework) Graphical user interface Javascript (programming language) Hypertext markup language (html) Front end (software engineering) Cascading style sheets (css)
Technical Services Manager
ICT Ignite Plus - Web Development
Developing the GUI for a Mobile-First PWA Application
Progressive web apps Bootstrap (front-end framework) Graphical user interface Javascript (programming language) Hypertext markup language (html) Front end (software engineering) Cascading style sheets (css)
Created At
November 27, 2023