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Graduate Summer Business Project
The University of Liverpool Management School are looking for organisations who can propose a real-world, business-related problem or challenge to our final year students to help them develop their employability skills and enhance their networks as they prepare to graduate. We have split our students into two main groups, focussing on: 1) Business Strategy 2) Business Strategy with a Finance Focus The problem or challenge can be linked to any topic that relates to the above business functions and can be a topic or problem that may benefit from a fresh perspective. The choice of topic is flexible and can be discussed with the team before commencement. Below is a list of all of the relevant skills/abilities that our graduates are capable of utilising for your organisation.
Real-life Business Challenge to Develop Employability Skills
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on learners from the University of Liverpool to be your learner-consultants, in a project-based experience. learners will work on one main project over the experience of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Learners in this program/experience are looking for organisations who can propose a real-world broad business-related problem or challenge to our 2nd year Business Management students. The problem or challenge can be linked to any topic that has a grounding in business functions and can be a topic or problem that may benefit from a fresh perspective.
Real-life business problem/challenge to develop employability skills
Over a 6-8 week period, the groups of students (3 or 4 students in each) will meet with the organisation to discuss the project and negotiate how often they would like to meet. Students will complete the projects within their group and provide a 15-minute presentation and final report to the organisation. Projects/challenges are driven by company needs, and can be a great way of gaining a fresh perspective on a current business issue/problem.
Authentic, data-analysis projects for Psychology students
The Department of Psychology at the University of Liverpool's Faculty of Health & Life Sciences is seeking proposals of authentic, data-analysis projects for 2nd-year students to complete over a six-week period during the second semester of the 2021-22 academic year. Students will each be expected to contribute approximately 18 hours of time to their projects, whilst collaborating in groups of five students. Projects should be suitable for students to both draw upon & develop transferrable and professional skills. Project proposals will be from organisations operating in any industry, but where students are presented with the opportunity to work with authentic (real or representative) data sets requiring them to draw on their skills of interpretation, analysis, and prediction.
Authentic, research-based projects for final-year Physics students
The Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool's Faculty of Science & Engineering are seeking proposals of authentic, research-based industrial projects for final-year students to complete over a six-week period during the first semester of the 2021-22 academic year. Students will each be expected to contribute approximately 18 hours of time to their projects, whilst collaborating in groups of five students. Projects should be suitable for students to both draw upon & develop transferrable and professional skills. Ideally, project proposals will be from organisations operating in - or with an interest in - chemistry/science, but the projects themselves will not be chemistry/science projects. As an initiative taking place within the students' academic curriculum, these projects will be a key priority for the students - students who are likely to be particularly engaged, with many having missed out on recent experiential opportunities due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Authentic, research-based projects for Chemistry & Physics students
CHEM385 & PHYS206
The Departments of Chemistry and of Physics at the University of Liverpool's Faculty of Science & Engineering are seeking proposals of authentic, research-based industrial projects for students to complete over a six-week period during the first semester of the 2021-22 academic year. Students will each be expected to contribute approximately 18 hours of time to their projects, whilst collaborating in groups of five students. Projects should be suitable for students to both draw upon & develop transferrable and professional skills. Ideally, project proposals will be from organisations operating in - or with an interest in - the Physical Sciences, but the projects themselves will not be chemistry/physics projects. As an initiative taking place within the students' academic curriculum, these projects will be a key priority for the students - students who are likely to be particularly engaged, with many having missed out on recent experiential opportunities due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Management Consultancy - Group Project
Looking to elevate your knowledge base and make better decisions based on sound evidence? Bring on a team of Second and or Third year students from the University of Liverpool Management School to be your student-consultants in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over 6-8 weeks this Autumn, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Student-consultants will analyze a business challenge or opportunity your organization is facing; to provide you with insight, evidence, and theory informed recommendations. Student teams (4-6) bring skills acquired from their previous 12-24 months of study at our world leading institution, and will work with your organisation in close consultation with a Senior Academic at the University of Liverpool Management School.
Experiential Strategic Marketing/Branding Consultancy
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from the University of Liverpool Management School to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools A group of three to five student-consultants will analyze a marketing/branding challenge or opportunity that your organization faces and develop a strategic marketing/branding plan with samples to address it.
Skills Enhancement Programme - June 2021
The Skills Enhancement Programme aims to enhance student employability via authentic experiences in real-world scenarios. Beginning this June, groups of final year students from the University of Liverpool will spend two weeks working in multi-disciplinary groups to complete authentic employer projects.