Healthcare manual development

Project scope
Graphic design Healthcare Workplace health/wellness Public healthSkills
laminated veneer lumber (lvl) rehabilitationCreate a new Saftey/Instructional manual for our featured healthcare product. Main uses of this product include; Muscle rehabilitation, developing mobility, improving range of motion, joint function and improving strength.
How to safely set-up and preform exercises with the product.
Where to safely setup and preform exercises.
Objects/factors to avoid harnessing product too. (min 5)
Picture of start/end of each exercise.
What surfaces are safe to harness product too.
What exercises can be performed (min-10)
Written description of how to preform each exercise.
suggested weight selection for the exercises (lvl 1-2-3)
What muscle/joints the exercises is effecting
How many sets/reps the user Is suggested to preform on each exercise.
Send a sample of product to use for manual development
send current manual to update
About the company
Sell health and wellness products. Our “rope trainer” being our featured product; needs to be re-modelled to pertain to the health and wellness industry more then towards a strength device