Raninder Kaur Dhillon

Marguerite Apotre
April 3, 2024
Team feedback
Excellent work!
App store (ios)
Usability testing
User experience (ux)
Google play

ICT Ignite Skills - Digital Tech Projects
ICT Ignite

App Development for Your Sweet Spot Life
Your Sweet Spot Life

Mark Campbell
April 15, 2022
Team feedback
Raninder is a talented developer, she worked well with her team and I was impressed with the overall interaction and communication. The team consisting with Neema, Yagnesh, Sameer, Tofik and Raninder were really professional and I enjoyed the sprints that were setup. The future for these stars is wide open and I am happy I had the experience to work them.
Java (programming language)
Needs assessment
Hypertext markup language (html)
React.js (javascript library)
Mock ups

LEVEL UP: Multidisciplinary Projects
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.5)

LevelUP: Multidisciplinary Projects - Website/App Design Build
Halycon IQ